Monday, July 2, 2012

Hold Up. Wait a Minute.

I'll be married in less than 19 days.

My life is going to change forever.

And I am excited beyond belief.

One of my friends from church, gave me this little nugget of advice:

You might think that you are doubting if you want to get married. 
It's a huge change. 

I felt the same way. I keep feeling these feelings that I shouldn't marry my husband. But I asked the Lord, and he said it was right, but I still felt those feelings. 

Then I realized, the feelings of doubt, inadequacy, were coming from me. 
Those doubts were the doubts I had about myself. 

I had doubts if I would be able to raise a family, if I would be a good wife, a good mother. 
I was not doubting the relationship I had with my husband. 

I had doubts about me. 

I wanted to jump up and down and hug that sister.

It was just what I needed. It was the answer I was looking for.
I had recently felt some jitters. Some doubt about what I was doing.

Was this what I was supposed to be doing?
Was this right?

I was so confused because I already knew those answers. I knew that Carlos and I was right.

I just didn't know why I felt so unsettled.

Now I know. I should probably work on believing in myself.

As things move forward, I am so excited to get married to my best friend and confidant.

Good times are in store for sure.



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