Monday, February 14, 2011

You make my Heart Happy.

That's right, I kind of, sort of, had a remarkable Valentine's day. I don't want to rub it in or anything. . .but I doubt anyone's else was any better.

I was treated to a weekend of fun (funny picnics, awesome concerts, hilarious Comedy Sports), creepiness (a box of chocolates by my room, a snugglemonkey, a single rose), and love (confessions of, actions).

I don't know how I swung it, but I am completely, head-over heels for this one guy. And I've got the love bug bad. And I think I tricked him into falling for me too.

Today, he treated me to a sweet, single rose at the start of my day. He claimed he wanted other men to know that I had been spoken for. (I think that he's a real romantic. . .and I like that) I just smiled at him at brushed it off. He's a real cutie. He took me to a romantic dinner (complete with candles and non-alcoholic wine--which was AMAZING) and then Sammy's. It was so good. We took a great walk and were happy.

Then we drove up to the Y. We got to sit and think, and talk and laugh, and flirt--at lot. :) And, did I mention, that on this, this day of love. . .I kind of, really, just got meeself a boyf? Yes, it's true. It makes me happy. This one is a keeper.

He's kind, funny, spiritual, and I think, that I really, really, really, really, really, really, really like him. A lot.

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