Monday, October 8, 2012

October General Conference

With the LDS General Conference this weekend, my hubby and I enjoyed time to just be. We got to snuggle up together and enjoy the words of the prophets. 
To me, this conference was all about missionary work. Which wasn't a big surprise, since President Monson revealed that the missionary age for young men was changed to 18 years old and for young women, 19. It was a huge revelation that will result in thousands more of missionaries that are willing and able to go on their mission. 
I loved conference. My spirit feels renewed and my heart is open to becoming a better saint. 
Elan leaves tomorrow. I am so excited for his choice to serve a full-time mission. 
Even after such a crazy weekend (going to the wrong haunted house, being pretty emotional)
All I want to say (and sing. yell. shout. all of the above) Is how grateful I am to be a member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And how true it is. I have no idea what I would be without this Gospel. I know I may not be perfect, but I want to be the person that has unshakeable faith, the one that will rely on Heavenly Father for anything. I'll start by baby steps, but I'll get there :) 


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